Thursday, December 25, 2008

LIFE is a stressul event!

Stress can manifest with multiple presentations. Some might have increased appetite while others might have just have difficulty to sleep at night or the opposite. Stress is equal to mental sickness. It just sometimes very difficult to be diagnosed because you might not aware about it. Mental sickness also can also can cause psychosomatic symptoms (meaning your your mind believe your physical is sick and you can feel it for real). A friend of mine told me that he had a very bad migraine recently, but when i had a conversation with him, i think he is under a lots of stress. A mind vacation is rather helpful rather than taking pharmaceutical medication.

Download stress checklist form from this site :

HappyDoc comment:

Do not let stress kills you!

Happydoc Advice:

Do not let stress control you. You should take in-charge and manage it wisely. Life is short. Enjoy it.

and always love yourself before others. Do not let others hurt you : ) Have a good day everybody. Happy holidays....


Anonymous said...

love the cartoon

dr kaymachanteq said...

sape kawan u yg stress tu?

name dia munah maria ke?

hehehe said...

err jimmy najmie(bukan nama sebenar he he)