Monday, December 29, 2008

Honesty is the best policy

I went to one of the Tower record outlet yesterday to check out the latest CD . Suddenly I saw this 2 and half years old cute little boy with his grandfather sitting in front of the big screen in front of the music outlet. He gave 101% undivided concentration to the movie, make himself comfortable like in his house and totally ignoring the crowds. He did really enjoy the movie and the whole scenario look very sweet to me (it looks very sincere). It reminds me, a child will never lies. They will give the most honest opinion that you can get with no hidden agenda. Emm.... it sound like something that we must must learn from them rite?....(thinking)...


chekgu Bani Hassim said...

khusyuk tu...
kalau org tukar channel ke, offkan tv tu, dorg marah tak??
hehe said...

he he
Budak tuh tgh tgk cerita cartoon ape ntah... err tapi memang bestlah... Rasa cam nak join jer he he

Michelle Mak said...

missed those younger days where i does tat too..
btw i tot tower records company sudah gulung tikar d? said...

err this tower record belum bungkus lagi... but their air-cond is malfunction. Maybe they try to cut down the cost he he