Monday, January 5, 2009

Less than perfect

I was blog hopping 2 days ago and I read one entry that this blogger new year resolution is to be perfect lover... Wait, one second....A perfect lover? Err I totally did not agree with her. How can you be perfect in your relationship and be right all the time?
As always said, a perfect couple complete each others. If you are perfect, there no way that your couple can complete yourlife. Just imagine, if you had a perfect man or woman as your partner, won't she or he make you feels inferior and insecure? It would be very lovely if you have somebody who love you for your imperfectness... (sounds like....true love...)

I believe that, what make people become a good friend or couple is not because how much they look alike each other but how well you can accept your partner's weakness, is more important. For this year resolution, I hope to maintain and appreciate more on what I already had and try to strikes more this year. Lets make our new year resolution comes true! : ) Time will not wait for you.


dewi palsu said...
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Snow said...
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Dewi and Nisa,
Thanks for sharing your stories and thought :)