Usually when the parent getting old, their children will take the responsible to look after of them. Well, this story is a bit different. Another patient belong to my team, a 27 years ole, Chinese gentleman, had neurofibromatosis involving multiple level of spinal cord with expected complications following surgery. Practically said, he had growth in the spinal cord compressing the spinal nerve which causing him not able to move all his 4 limbs. He spent his last 7 years of life lying on the bed all the time. He was admitted recently because of aspiration pneumonia. Another expected complication for those who are bed bound.
His father passed away long time ago. He was managed alone by his 60 years old mother who help him to eat, bath, doing number 1 and 2. Wait, that not all. His mother is also working as part time maid. What a hard life she had. I must respect her. She is such a very strong lady.
My team and I was managing him. He came in a quite bad condition. He had a very bad lung infection and initially we thought he might not make it. Having said that, we still try our best and explained to her mother that all the possibilities and she might need to prepare for the worse. She cried initially but after that she take it quit well. She know what she had to do is to pray hard. During the stay, she will come in the morning, then went to work and come back to look after her son after that. I'm not sure weather she had time to rest or not. At her age, I thinks what she supposed to do is to play with her grandchildren and should be well taken care by her children.
His son surprised us by showed some improvement day by day. Then, Chinese New Year came. Well it quit impossible to discharge her son at that time, so she spent her eve night with her son in the hospital. But her son is on the way of recovery. We are in the right track and we are very positive about her son this time.
Another surprise happened, after Chinese New Year, this patient bed was occupied by another new patient. The patient passed away peacefully on the night before, unexpectedly. Her mother took it quit well. She was there when her son catch few last breath. I just can't imagine that moment. I felt very sorry for her. Deep in my heart I know how much she love him and how sad she is when she lost her son. Maybe it's the best for both of them. Only God know the best....
Hello hello hello!
I think,Medical Doctors are a bunch of racist(haha strong word,aye?).Why do you guys always have to mention your patients race "...this Malay gentleman.." or "...that Chinese lady..." etc etc, instead of calling them by their names?
Kalau I jadi patient you, I'd like to be indentified as Dewi; by the name given by my parents.
Anyway,sad story you have here....I can't imagine how she feels having to bury her son. :(
Eh anyway,Frappucino(he's your colleague,kan?) has quit blogging?
Hi Dewi,
Some disease is more common, in certain races.
If I mention name, then I could not share the story here,it's unethical.
Dr Frap gone to no man land. He only bought single trip ticket there...
Hi HappyDoc,
I am talking about things in general and not here in the blogland...I notice medical docs always mention the patients' races when present the cases or doing the referals....But then again, what do I know?I am just an observer. :)
Thank you HappyDoc.Selamat bercuti!!!You in KL,kan?!
very sad one shahir. Biasalah , one minute u think he's ok,next minute dah collapse..sapalah kita,tuhan maha mengetahui kan.
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